-전체회원 POINT 내역

목록 윗글 아랫글
  • Something Stupid
  • 방대동 方大同
  • 번호 1762 | 2010.04.14
  • 조회 5108 주소복사
  • 파일1 | 6.jpg(6.3 KB)

I know I stand in line
 Until you think you have the time
 To spend an evening with me
 And if we go someplace to dance
 I know that theres a chance
 You wont be leaving with me
 Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place
 And have a drink or two
 And then I go and spoil it all
 By saying something stupid
 Like I love you
 I can see it in your eyes
 That you despise the same old lines
 You heard the night before
 And though its just a line to you
 For me its true
 And never seemed so right before
 I practice every day
 to find some clever lines to say
 To make the meaning come through
 But then I think
 Ill wait until the evening gets late
 And Im alone with you
 The time is right
 Your perfume fills my head
 The stars get red
 And oh the nights so blue
 And then I go and spoil it all
 By saying something stupid
 Like I love you
 The time is right
 Your perfume fills my head
 The stars get red
 And oh the nights so blue
 And then I go and spoil it all
 By saying something stupid
 Like I love you
 I love you I love you

목록 윗글 아랫글

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회
456 시아 是我 장정영 张靓颍 5787
455 흑야리적광 黑夜里的光 장정영 张靓颍 5874
454 나불회시애파 那不会是爱吧 장정영 张靓颍 5513
453 고근니 靠近你 장정영 张靓颍 6210
452 몽성시분 梦醒时分 양정여 梁静茹 5732
451 화개적성음 花开的声音 장정영 张靓颍 6138
450 유혹적가 诱惑的街 양정여 梁静茹 6145
449 화심 画心 영화<화피>ost 장정영 张靓颍 6832
448 애흔간단 爱很简单 양정여 梁静茹 6766
447 지족 知足 양정여 梁静茹 6264
446 아결정 我决定 양정여 梁静茹 5751
445 아문취도저 我们就到这 양정여 梁静茹 5408
444 금천정인절 今天情人节 양정여 梁静茹 6218
443 기득 记得 방대동 方大同 6627
442 홍두 红豆 방대동 方大同 6462
441 여과능재일기 如果能在一起 양정여 梁静茹 6724
440 광조 狂潮 방대동 方大同 5496
439 만만적도시애 满满的都是爱 양정여 梁静茹 6485
438 위니사적가 为你写的歌 방대동 方大同 6204
437 원래니야창과아적가 原来你也唱过我的歌 양정여 梁静茹 5659
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