-전체회원 POINT 내역

목록 윗글 아랫글
  • whenever, wherever, whatever
  • 방대동 方大同
  • 번호 1738 | 2010.04.14
  • 조회 4777 주소복사

 Lead me on girl if you must
 Take my heart and my love
 Take of me all that you want
 And if there's a thing that you need
 I'd give you breath that I breathe
 And if ever you yearn for the love in me
 Whenever Wherever Whatever baby
 Wish I knew if I could
 Be the one that you would
 love forever and a day baby
 And if there's a thing that you need
 For you 'n your blood I would bleed
 And if ever you yearn for the love in me
 Whenever Wherever Whatever baby
 And if there's a thing that you need
 I'd give you the breath that I breathe
 And if ever you yearn for the love in me
 Whenever Wherever Whatever baby
 Whenever Wherever Whatever

목록 윗글 아랫글

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회
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554 소망서 笑忘书 왕비 王菲 6345
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545 배반 背叛 조격 曹格 6841
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543 급자기적정서 给自己的情书 왕비 王菲 5778
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  41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50  