-전체회원 POINT 내역

목록 윗글 아랫글
  • isn't she lovely
  • 방대동 方大同
  • 번호 1737 | 2010.04.14
  • 조회 5781 주소복사

 Isn't She Lovely is a song by Stevie Wonder,
 from his 1976 album Songs In The Key Of Life.
 In it he celebrates the birth of his daughter Aisha.
 Title: Isn't She Lovely
 Artist: Stevie Wonder
 Album: Songs in the Key of Life
 Isn't she lovely
 Isn't she wonderfull
 Isn't she precious
 Less than one minute old
 I never thought through love we'd be
 Making one as lovely as she
 But isn't she lovely made from love
 Isn't she pretty
 Truly the angel's best
 Boy, I'm so happy
 We have been heaven blessed
 I can't believe what God has done
 through us he's given life to one
 But isn't she lovely made from love
 Isn't she lovely
 Life and love are the same
 Life is Aisha
 The meaning of her name
 Londie, it could have not been done
 Without you who conceived the one
 That's so very lovely made from love

목록 윗글 아랫글

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회
1456 爱的就是你 유가 刘佳 7621
1455 海草舞 소전 萧全 7133
1454 对的人--电视剧《美好生活》OST 장심연 庄心妍 7320
1453 独孤(电视剧《独孤天下》OST) 김사 金莎 7642
1452 菩提偈(电视剧《独孤天下》OST) 유시군刘惜君 7030
1451 关于爱(电视剧《我站在桥上看风景》OST) 이기 李琦 6851
1450 一时间 한홍韩红 7396
1449 후샤胡夏 6837
1448 我在未来等你 好妹妹乐队 6724
1447 朋友(电影《妖铃铃》OST) 吴君如、沈腾等 7127
1446 雾中列车(《解忧杂货店》OST) 李健、王俊凯 6955
1445 重生(电影《解忧杂货铺》OST) 롱주얼容祖儿 6781
1444 一眼千年(CCTV《国家宝藏》OST) 나영那英 6909
1443 还是想念(《路从今夜白之遇见青春》OST) 서양 徐良 6837
1442 遥远的歌 유시군刘惜君 7942
1441 远远关心 설케치薛凯琪 6640
1440 青春住了谁 양승림 杨丞琳 6915
1439 你是我的王国 (电视剧《醉玲珑》OST) 모방원毛方圆 7690
1438 我在夜里偷看过一颗星星(电视剧《左耳》OST) 齐豫치위齐秦Chy 6963
1437 忘不掉(《那年花开月正圆》OST) 孙俪손려 6831
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