-전체회원 POINT 내역

목록 윗글 아랫글
  • isn't she lovely
  • 방대동 方大同
  • 번호 1737 | 2010.04.14
  • 조회 5765 주소복사

 Isn't She Lovely is a song by Stevie Wonder,
 from his 1976 album Songs In The Key Of Life.
 In it he celebrates the birth of his daughter Aisha.
 Title: Isn't She Lovely
 Artist: Stevie Wonder
 Album: Songs in the Key of Life
 Isn't she lovely
 Isn't she wonderfull
 Isn't she precious
 Less than one minute old
 I never thought through love we'd be
 Making one as lovely as she
 But isn't she lovely made from love
 Isn't she pretty
 Truly the angel's best
 Boy, I'm so happy
 We have been heaven blessed
 I can't believe what God has done
 through us he's given life to one
 But isn't she lovely made from love
 Isn't she lovely
 Life and love are the same
 Life is Aisha
 The meaning of her name
 Londie, it could have not been done
 Without you who conceived the one
 That's so very lovely made from love

목록 윗글 아랫글

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회
656 쌍인무 双人舞 반위백 潘玮柏 4446
655 일주년 一周年 주필창 周笔畅 5079
654 사과적천재 傻瓜的天才 주필창 周笔畅 4950
653 전문 传闻 이성걸 李圣杰 4205
652 호마 号码 주필창 周笔畅 5040
651 우도일개호인 遇到一个好人 이성걸 李圣杰 5392
650 화상 画像 이성걸 李圣杰 4577
649 천사지성 天使之城 주필창 周笔畅 5642
648 일개인적해안 一个人的海岸 이성걸 李圣杰 5231
647 타적안정회하우 他的眼睛会下雨 이성걸 李圣杰 5333
646 기단차적일자 骑单车的日子 이성걸 李圣杰 4739
645 독약 毒药 이성걸 李圣杰 5917
644 거애파 去爱吧 이성걸 李圣杰 4787
643 첨첨권 甜甜圈 BY2 5072
642 태난고 太难搞 BY2 4839
641 선초밀 仙草蜜 BY2 4949
640 니설아설 你说我说 BY2 5039
639 오운연 호가 胡歌 5667
638 애아애아 爱丫爱丫 BY2 5194
637 애니불회변 爱你不会变 호가 胡歌 5206
  41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50  